How To Cross Skydiving Off Your Bucket List
Skydiving Information
Posted by: SCC ADMIN
8 years ago

Visiting Myrtle Beach? Well–what if this could be the vacation of a lifetime? We know how to make it so, for real.
You’ve probably come to Myrtle Beach for the water. Right? Strolling with someone you love along a sandy bit of the Grand Strand; the sea breezes wafting over the golf courses; the bobbing view of the ocean from a spot on the Skywheel; the sound of waves from a great hotel room. If we told you that the best part is up, you might not believe us–but hear us out. The best part of Myrtle Beach is the sky overhead, and seeing it in person is going to engrave this vacation in your personal history: the day you crossed skydiving off your bucket list.
Everybody’s got a bucket list, after all! Perhaps it’s not “official,” but you know you have one: that list of experiences you’re determined to check off before you kick the bucket. The items on the list range from the simple (“visit the filming location for the Overlook Hotel in The Shining”) to the exotic (“ride a camel across the desert”) to the, um, niche (“win a hot-dog eating contest”). Almost everybody on the planet has “make a skydive” on the list somewhere. Usually, it sits right at the top–and for excellent reason!
That said: have you made any progress on your list?
Maybe it’s time to start! Here’s how you can rev yourself into action–and how we can help.
If you haven’t already, write it down! If you’re looking for a little help, check out for inspiration and format. Getting your commitments on “paper” is the best way to tackle this project-of-a-lifetime.
In our experience, most folks find it easier to check off the rest of their lists once that skydiving line item is crossed off. We’re pretty sure that this is due to the enormous confidence boost that you get from jumping out of an airplane and landing gently on our beloved Carolina soil.
3. Be Smart About It.
You want to get that bucket-list project off to a good start, right? Here’s our best advice.
No matter where you are in the world, the best place to find the safest, most professional, most up-to-date skydiving dropzone is by far the dropzone listing maintained by the United States Parachute Association. The USPA has been the organization advancing the policies, technology and training of safer skydiving since the sport was founded, so it’s information you can trust. Why? USPA members pledge to uphold the organization’s strict requirements regarding safety, instructor training and maintenance. Other dropzones don’t. Always check the USPA listings first.
We at Skydive Coastal Carolinas, of course, are proud USPA members.
This is your very first skydive, after all. No matter how many more you do after this one, there’s only one first time. So get the photos and video! You’ll be so very glad you did.
You can make a side project out of this, too, you know–an Instagram account dedicated to your bucket-list moments, or a video edit, or a blog. Have fun with it!
Those gorgeous images of you smiling your way through the sky are going to blow up your social feeds, of course…but that’s not all it’s about. It’s about motivating your friends and loved ones to step up to the plate and go after their goals! Who knows–maybe you’re the inspiration they need to make something happen for themselves.
Once you’ve made a skydive over our stunning Myrtle Beach landscape, you’ll know for certain, deep down, that you can do anything you set your mind to.
Now get out there and make it happen!